How To Upgrade Your Wi-Fi And Improve Your Internet Speed

how to upgrade your wi-fi and improve your internet speed

What to do to improve wi-fi speed? What is the use of internet speed boosters?; How to get faster internet speed? And when is the high time to upgrade the internet plan? Everything is answered in this blog. 

Wi-fi is the mandate thing these days, almost everyone uses wi-fi in homes and offices. As the usage increases, its challenges rises too. We install wi-fi for better connectivity and faster speed, right? Sometimes it just betrays suddenly with poor connection and slowest processing speed. Read through the blog to get rid of slow wi-fi speeds and enjoy your binge-watching, zoom meetings and games again. 

How To Speed Up My Wi-Fi?

Many common tips work well to boost internet speed, but people usually forget. So we thought to list them down for our readers’ convenience. So the next time when your wi-fi will go on holiday mood, you can get it back with these tips.

How To Speed Up Wi-Fi

1) Change Router Location

Some of us consider the router a black spot on the wall, so we get it installed somewhere it isn’t visible. Consequently, it doesn’t catch the satellite network sometimes that slows down its speed. Place it somewhere at the outer side of the house/office where it is easy for the router to catch satellite networks. If you are concerned about the beauty of your home, there are multiple router shelves available in the market that looks too good. This way, nothing will be compromised; neither the wi-fi speed nor home decor. 

In addition, even if your router is in the perfect area, still it gets slow so, you should try changing its location. It usually helps.

2) Use Ethernet Cable

Though it may sound less convenient, sometimes it is the only solution left. Connect your wi-fi router and device with an ethernet cable and use it for better connectivity and speed. 

The reason behind this is, an electrical wire carries your data or information and send it to the device electronically without interruptions which makes the connection faster.

3) Alter Channel Or Bandwidth

If your and others’ wi-fi in your locality has the same channel, it may affect your internet speed. In that case, you must change the channel to a different frequency to avoid interference and slow internet speed. You can change it by logging into the ISP portal. In the settings, there will be an option to change the channel. 

Alter Channel Or Bandwidth

4) Know And Upgrade Your Router

Buying routers is not too difficult but, there are some things you must check before buying one. Or if your ISP is providing the router, you must check the configuration of it. If you live in a big house or office, you must opt for a router that can be paired with “repeaters” to make its reach farthest.

5) Get A Wi-Fi Extender

If you have tried everything above, and still the wi-fi isn’t performing well for you. Moreover, you are comfortable spending some amount. We advise buying a wi-fi extender. These extenders catch the signals from the wi-fi and boost internet speed for better performance. 

6) Add/Change A Password To Your Wi-Fi

If your wi-fi is unprotected, so it could be used by anyone in its range which may slow down the speed as per the limits of your internet plan. It could be the biggest reason for slower wi-fi speed.

On the other hand, if you have a protected network connection, change your password to a difficult one so nobody will be able to guess. You must choose a hard-to-guess password that must involve different title cases and symbols so that it becomes difficult for hackers to crack the password too.

Add Password To Wi-Fi

7) Purge Unused Devices

It usually happens if you have less bandwidth and multiple devices connected with the router, and most of them are in use but, some are not being used essentially. You should disconnect them from your wi-fi. You never know what updates it is having while you are not even using them. 

The best and easiest way to remove unused devices is to change the wi-fi password so all the devices not in use will be automatically disconnected.

8) Check Your Computer/Laptop

If you are facing internet issues specifically on your laptop or computer, while other devices are working fine. It could be possible that some updates are running in the background. To check, go to the “Task Manager” or “Activity Monitor” and check if such updates are present, stop them and then check your internet speed.

9) Restart Your Router

Did you try basic troubleshooting? Whenever you feel the internet speed is slow, first of all, switch it off for at least 30-40 seconds and restart it. 

If your wi-fi is on 24*7. Usually, the connection gets lost in the middle, so turning it off for a while may help regain its capacity to perform.

Restart Your Router

10) Switch It Off In The Nights Or When Not In Use

We do not realise that our wi-fi(s) are operating all the time that means it is processing something 24*7. For good internet speed, and durability of the wi-fi router you should keep it off during nights or whenever you are not using it.

11) Speak To The ISP

After doing everything you could to boost the internet speed at home, you must talk to your ISP and ask for the solution. This is the time you may need to change or upgrade the plan. Still, if the problem persists, change your ISP.


In the era of wireless internet connectivity, getting a bad or slower speed is not acceptable. You must try the above suggestions to improve your internet speed. Also, if you need to change the ISP, make sure you check the reviews of their connectivity in your area. Some networks may work good in one corner of the city, but not in another. Do the needful and choose wisely (if required).

Keep following our blog portal for more tech content, tricks and tips that will help you be tech-savvy.


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