Cloud Computing: 6 Reasons Why The Cloud Is More Secure

cloud computing: 6 reasons why the cloud is more secure

As of now, the cloud is an essential technology all over the world used by businesses, big corporations, and many individuals. It is so widespread that almost everyone knows about it. Still, if you do not know, the cloud refers to the physical networks that store your data in decentralized servers. These servers are easily available remotely, all you need is to log in on the hosting server. There are many benefits of using cloud computing yet in this blog, we will majorly focus on cloud computing security and why is it too required?

Since many of you must be unaware of the benefits of cloud computing, let’s discuss that first.

Advantages Of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is expected to reach 482 billion U.S. Dollars in 2022, which means it has made a huge market all over the world catering to their needs. However, do you know why people started choosing cloud over other storage networks? Let’s find out.

When people switched to laptops from computers (PCs) they were happy as laptops provide mobility. Cloud computing has done the same thing in the field of data storage. Through cloud computing, people can store and access data anytime from anywhere. There is no need to be present at the office to access information. Moreover, cloud computing gives financial benefits to the businesses as it costs way less than local network setups and its maintenance is usually done by the host server providers. Most importantly, your data stays safe and secure as cloud servers store the data on different servers so that your data should not be compromised. You will be able to access your data through backup servers.

Now that you have got a brief idea about cloud computing, let’s talk about its security arrangements and why it is considered more secure than other storage networks.

Data Security

Why Is Cloud Security More Secure Than Other Storage Networks?

No company would compromise the security of their data so if the cloud is being used widely, that simply means its security arrangements are remarkable and irreplaceable as of now. Let’s have a look at cloud computing security.

1) Technology’s Gift To Prevent Cyber Attacks

With the rise in technology, hackers and cybercriminals have raised their ways of cyberattacks. They have become too sophisticated that even big firms sometimes fail to identify and consequently get into their trap. Thus, technology intervention to stay secure from getting hacked and the cyber attacks was required. Follow these steps to protect yourself form getting hacked.

2) Regular Security Updates

As we mentioned above, hackers and cybercriminals keep upgrading their ways to steal your data. On the other side, internet security experts are updating their systems to protect your data from them. However, it may not be feasible for all companies to update their servers on a daily basis and most of them perhaps do not stay too updated. Thus, cloud service providers take care of all the updates and keep your server up to date to fight cyber-attacks and threats.

Security Updates

3) AI Intervention For Security Purposes

Artificial intelligence has done wonders for almost every industry so why not cloud computing! Since many companies, businesses and individuals rely on cloud servers, it’s critical to have tight security arrangements. However, it is too difficult to find expert professionals to oversee all data. Advantage of using AI is that it can handle at least the first layer of cyber threat filtration. Also, it helps a lot to stay updated with cyber threat trends.

4) Built-In Firewalls

As the name suggests, firewalls stand strong as a wall between the server and hackers. Firewalls come both as hardware and software, yet the cloud servers have them in-built to provide security to the data from all cyber threats as per the past security trends. Firewalls notify about the suspicious cyber attack and then the cyber security professionals look into it. It is the reason why sometimes the server goes down as the professionals perform some activities to prevent an attack.

5) Least Chances Of Data Damage/Loss

Even if the entire server gets damaged. Still, your data can not be hampered. Thanks to technology and human logic. Cloud server providers copy your data many times and paste it to various centres so that you do not suffer due to any uncertainty.

It is one of the biggest advantages of cloud computing security and the reason people choose cloud computing over any other storage network.

Cloud Server

6) Regular Third-Party Security Testing

To make sure that servers are doing well in terms of security, cloud server providers call third-party security testers to check if there is an issue that needs to be fixed. These testers are the expert professionals who know all about the recent cyber attack trends and constantly observe the cyber threat activities. So if they approve the security arrangements that means the server provider is offering the best cloud computing security.

In The End

Cloud computing security plays an important role in this era where hackers easily trap even the big firms. Till now, cloud computing is the best especially in terms of security, mobility and flexibility that it provides. Thus, if you still have not switched to the cloud, this is the right time.

If you still want to know more about the cloud computing, stay updated with our recent blogs on security to be more informed.

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