Easy Ways To Optimize Your Internet Speed In Minutes

easy ways to optimize your internet speed in minutes

The Internet has become a necessity. Rather many countries have declared the internet as a necessity for basic survival as almost everything is there on the internet. Work, education, shops, food, and the Internet of Things. In the world, there is a high demand for the internet.

Where on one side there is a huge demand, on another side there are many customers that complain about the basic internet speed issues. Sometimes, these basic issues take a longer time to be resolved because of the lack of manpower. Thus, we are here to help you with the tips to optimize internet speed. So that you can help yourself and resolve internet speed issues faster.

Ways To Improve Wi-Fi Speed

Use these tips when you need quick troubleshooting as all service executives are occupied. These all are simple, easy, and less expensive or free solutions.

1. Turn Off The Router

This is probably the first thing that should come to mind whenever there is an internet speed issue. At home, we forget to turn off the wi-fi router sometimes which leads to network glitches resulting in low internet speed.

Switching off the router just for 30 seconds can clear all the network glitches and the router starts working properly, again!

2. Confirm You Internet Requirements With The Present Internet Speed

Possibly your internet consumption would have been increased. Check your internet speed and compare it with your existing internet requirements. If it does not match, probably you need an internet plan upgrade.

3. Keep Your Router At An Appropriate Location

Your router’s location matters a lot. If it is situated somewhere on the floor, horizontally. It may work less efficiently than its potential. You will experience network interruptions by walls, ceilings, floors, and any large physical object. They can also be interrupted by the radio waves from devices like cordless phones, microwaves, baby monitors, and Bluetooth speakers.

If you are thinking that there is no place to place a wi-fi router, then you are a wrong dear reader. Get your router installed at an elevated location where there are no interruptions.

Router location

4. Adjust Your Router’s Antenna

Nowadays, routers are coming with in-built antennas. Sometimes, antennas become inefficient to catch the network for a better internet experience. If you still have an option to adjust your router’s antenna then you must try to change their direction outside.

5. Filter Unnecessary Connections

Sometimes, your internet may get an extra burden due to unnecessary connected devices which lowers the internet speed.

You can try removing all unnecessary connected devices to get a better speed on the internet. However, if that happens more frequently then you need to disconnect the required devices as well. It is better if you switch to a faster internet plan.

6. Install Plugin To Clear Cache

Caches are one of the underrated problems that cause speed issues. It is imperative to delete the cache memory of your browser at least once a week so that you do not face any internet-related problems.

For convenience, you can install a plugin in your browser and clear all cache with a single click. Alternatively, you can clear it manually.

How to clear cache in Chrome?

Open Google Chrome. On the right top corner, click the three vertical dots.

Click on History, select Clear browsing data, then follow the instructions.

The process is almost similar in other web browsers.

7. Close All Background Apps

Background apps often consume more internet than the running apps as they keep storing data and analyzing it at the backend.

Whenever an internet problem occurs, first check and close all background apps. Then, again check your internet connection.


8. Scan For Viruses

If nothing is working out and there is no issue from the backend. There could be a possibility that your internet connection is caught by a virus. To scan for viruses, first, you need an antivirus on your device.

Open your antivirus, run a deep scan and see if there is any presence of a virus.

If yes, you must call your internet service provider immediately to resolve the issue.

9. Call Your ISP

If nothing works out from the above. You must call your ISP and seek assistance as there could be a problem in the wiring, which of course is not in your hands to repair.

10. Change Your Wi-Fi Router

If your router is working for a long time, it needs to be changed. New routers are way more efficient than the older ones. If your router comes with an internet package, ask your internet service provider to change it to the updated one. Some ISPs may change it for free. Make sure you check with them first.

Wifi Router

In The End

No company, household, or individual can now survive without the internet. Even the grocery comes through the internet and the payments are done online too. You must know how to boost internet speed when your ISP is unavailable and not within reach.

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