Emerging Technologies That Will Change Human Perception

emerging technologies that will change human perception

Change is the only consistent thing happening in our lives. From telegrams to phone calls to video calls we came a long way. It is just an example. With the emerging technologies, we have seen revolutionary changes in all our surroundings. Be it transportation, communication, healthcare, shopping ways, there is nothing like before. The lifestyle we have these days was not even there in the thoughts of our older people. Still, we adopted it in a manner that now we can not live without the technological privileges we have. Similarly, the changing technological trends are amending human perceptions as well. 

Human Behavior And Emerging Technologies

There is a lot that has happened and happening in the backend. Discussions are still going on in technological advancements while we are sitting on our job desks. 

Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies

If we talk about the essential technology trends it involves:

  • Artificial intelligence,
  • Blockchain,
  • 5G and 6G technology,
  • Biometrics,
  • Wearable Technology,
  • Natural Learning Process,
  • 3D Printing

1. Artificial Intelligence

Emerging technology from 60 years, this field has progressed exponentially. We got its first physical prints when in 1997, IBM’s supercomputer Deep Blue defeated Garry Kasparov (world’s chess champion) with its AI capabilities. 

In recent years, advanced data processing, computing power and data science have made AI a powerful technology that is changing the way a human lives its life. AI has changed the human perception towards technology, and nowadays, almost everything is connected to AI and operating under its process. For example, technological wearables, chatbots, autonomous vehicles etc.

2. Blockchain

Blockchain is the online storing ledger that gives assurance to the user that their data can not be erased from the server as the permanent records are stored in various locations in a decentralised manner. Its projection is its biggest attraction towards the security of data. In addition, it offers censorship proof or seizure resistance to avoid government interventions. 

It is widely used by industries where recording ledgers are essential such as hospitals, accounting firms, etc. Also, there are innumerable applications for cybersecurity too. Therefore, organisations these days prefer using blockchains for storing ledgers.


3. 5G And 6G Technology

From 1G and LTE, we are talking about 5G and the future technology 6G. Although, 5G is already there in the market boosting data programming and has already been adopted by the masses. Do you feel 4G is fast enough for our daily lives? Experience the speed of 5G, it is mind-boggling. One can expect 100times faster speed with 5G than 4G in real-time. 

The story doesn’t end here, discussions are going on, and the world is reading theories relating to future network technology – 6G as well, which is expected to be out in the markets by 2030. With 6G, the world is going to experience a lot more than the faster speed of up to 1tbps.

4. Wearable Technology

Medical science is evolving with the usage of wearable technology devices. For instance, smartwatches, smart rings, smart belts, etc. helping doctors diagnose the disease of a patient without or minimum test requirements. An individual’s heart rate, pulse rate, oxygen levels, and general fitness can be assessed regularly with these products,  

Also, in the future, wearable technology can help in the early diagnosis of life-threatening diseases like cancer, kidney failure, hypertension, etc.

5. Biometrics

Each individual has different DNA, fingerprints and physical features. By taking advantage of this fact, the sciences and technology came up with a solution called; biometrics (the biological markers of a person) to protect the data from hackers. Hackers and cybercriminals are using advanced technology to hack systems. Biometrics such as one’s face, voice or fingerprint is a need of the hour to make it difficult for hackers to perform unauthorised acts.


6. Natural Learning Process (NLP)

NLP aims to develop a bot that can communicate as human beings and respond to customers immediately. Moreover, it should be able to analyse the entire communication system of an organisation too. It may sound easy as we are humans, it is hard to make a bot understand human language, gestures, the context of the conversation and then expect it to give a satisfactory reply promptly. 

However, with the advancement in the AI field, NLP programmed bots are here. Such as chatbots and voice bots that are helping many organisations worldwide to enhance their customer relationships. It is the first phase of chatbots and voice bots. There are going to be many evolutions in the coming future with the help of NLP.

7. 3D Printing

What is the first thing that came into your mind when you read “3D printing?” Is it going to print another car for us which could be used as a real car? Is it an evolution in the manufacturing sector? Well yes! For instance, Boeing is using 3D printers to manufacture titanium parts in the construction of the 787 Dreamliner airliner. In healthcare manufacturing, implants customisation is being done with the help of 3D printers, and it is expected that body organs could be printed through 3D printers in the future. It could be proven as a drastic change in the manufacturing sector and increase the production rate exponentially if the processing speed of the 3D printers increases as right now it is too slow to be used for mass manufacturing. 


While concluding, it seems so exciting to imagine a world where we will be experiencing these emerging technologies in our real lives. These existing technologies have already changed our perceptions of life. Earlier we could think of such advancements, but now we are experiencing some of them. Let us know in the comment section how you feel to live in a technologically privileged world.

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