How To Create A Visually Appealing Website That Converts

how to create a visually appealing website that converts

A website is one of the biggest digital assets a business could have. It includes all information about the website. Moreover, it is considered a digital office of a business from where you can generate business and cater to your clients. However, not just the information that matters, the visual aspect of the website matters too.

Do you know these days people judge your website within 3-5seconds? How? Through your website design. If it looks attractive to them, they will stay, or else, they will leave. Thus, you need to be very cautious about your website’s visual appeal. We have curated some of the best ways to make your website more appealing. Follow these tips to generate more leads and get more conversions.

Tips To Make Your Website Visually Appealing

Adhere to the following tips to make your website design more appealing.

1. Keep The Layout Simple & Play With Colors

The biggest mistake that people make while creating a website is that they include all creative ideas in one go. Creativity looks good only if it is understandable and accessible.

If the visitor comes to your website and does not understand your website’s layout or it seems complicated. The visitor will instantly return from your website resulting in a higher bounce rate, which will eventually impact your SERP rank as well.

Make your website simple yet attractive. You can use vibrant colors, minimal images, or charts to give information. Just keep it clean, simple, and subtle. Also, you can use colors that match your business psychology. Such as in the US, green is considered the color for accountancy, and red for love & relationship. 

2. Use HD-Quality Images & Videos

As we all know, videos and images attract more attention than text alone. According to some video marketing statistics, landing pages with videos improve the conversion rate by up to 80%

Use SVG images to ensure a high-quality user experience on both mobile devices and desktops. 

HD-quality images & videos

3. Focus On Readability

Again! We make mistakes while thinking that we are being creative. Readability refers to the quality of the text and font to make it enjoyable and easy to read. 

Some websites use those fancy cursive fonts to make the website look appealing, yet it only makes the text hard to read leading to less understanding of the website and a reduction in lead generation and conversion rate. 

Do not make such mistakes. Use simple and easy-to-read fonts for your website. Still, if you want to add a pinch of excitement to your font, you can check some commonly used website site fonts. 

4. Make Easy To Navigate Website

The visitor comes to your website to get information about the business or its offerings. If they find it difficult to navigate for the appropriate information, then the visitor will probably leave the website resulting in no business generation.

Your landing page should instruct the visitor about the navigation. Also, information about your business offerings should be there in the header menu to be accessible from any page of the website. 

These things may sound petty, yet play a significant role in making your website easy to navigate. 

Try these tips to make your website navigable:

  • Create a header menu with all important pages
  • Interlinking of pages is important
  • Insert a search bar
  • Maintain uniformity
  • Make your sidebars stand out

easy to navigate website

5. Use Clear CTAs

There’s always a purpose for which you want visitors to visit your website. It could be anything from signing up for a newsletter to buying a product. 

Sometimes, people create indirect CTAs which some of the users do not understand. Rather, the CTA must be prominent, attractive, clear, and direct. Always remember, that direct CTAs drive more leads for the business. 

6. Don’t Be Worried About Those Whitespaces

Firstly, don’t take the word ‘whitespace’ literally. We are talking about the empty spaces between and on the sides of the pages. It could be of any color depending on your theme. 

The way we draw margins while drawing, to make it look cleaner. Similarly, on websites, it is important to leave some whitespace (empty areas) to make it look uncluttered. 

These whitespaces will anyways impact your website positively. 

Don’t be worried about those whitespaces

7. Make Your Website

All your website design efforts will go in the vein if your website isn’t responsive

A responsive website means a website whose visual appearance changes dynamically according to the size of the screen and its orientation. For example, a website on the desktop will have a different structure. The same website will have a slight difference in appearance when you open it on your mobile or tablet. 

Responsive websites are convenient, more attractive, easy to read, and navigable. Responsiveness caters to all positive aspects to boost the conversion rate.

The Bottom Line

Make your website more attractive and approachable to get more conversions. Also, making your website visually appealing will improve your SERP rank.

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