How To Select The Best Social Media Channels For Your Brand

how to select the best social media channels for your brand

In today’s date digital marketing and social media have become essential ways of marketing. Any brand or business whose willing to grow can not avoid having a presence on digital media that including social media. However, there is a big challenge that faces and often fails in the business growth due to it, i.e. selecting the best social media channels for their business. 

Fortunately or unfortunately, there are multiple social media channels available on the web. Some have millions of users and some are still struggling to get an audience. Well, this is not the only factor. There are many factors one needs to consider while choosing the right social media channel.

Why Choose Social Media Channels?

First of all, we need to understand why a social media channel selection is required. 

Each channel has its kind of language and tonality. That means you need to put individual efforts into each channel. For instance, you may not upload your Facebook post on your LinkedIn account as the tonality of both the channels differ. 

Facebook has more of a B2C audience whereas LinkedIn deals with the B2B market.

Therefore, to reduce unnecessary individual efforts that you may put into different social media channels, you must select which ones will work best for you. 

Tips To Choose Best Social Media Channel For Your Brand

In this blog, we will not only tell you about different social media channels. We will tell you the factors to consider to choose the best one for any brand. So from next time, you will never get confused with any kind of industry.

Factor 1: Goals

We know we have mentioned this factor many times in our other blogs, yet it is worth considering it with no fail. Any business with well-defined written goals is 50% more likely to achieve them. Thus, it is highly important to have a written social media strategy or goals for your business or brand.

In business strategies for every internet marketing campaign you should start with the end in mind. That means you must have the end results in mind so that you take the required actions. However, the end does not mean you want a successful business. It is a vague goal. Your goals should have numbers included. Such as in this quarter you want the revenue to increase by 30% through social media. 

Once you have your goals ready, then you will be able to select the social media channels which will work best for you.


Factor 2: Target Demographics

The term demography includes age, geographical location, gender, income, occupation and education, interests. 

As we already said above, each social media channel has a different set of users. That means their demographics are different. On Facebook or Instagram, you will get a more young audience who is casually scrolling their feed. However, in LinkedIn, you may get a more serious audience who is there to find more business or work opportunities. B2C market more than LinkedIn.

So, first, you will have to make up your mind whether you want to do business in the B2C market or the B2B market. Then, analyse which channel has the desired income bar you are targeting. In the last, check for other demographics.

This information may help you to select the social media channel according to your target demographics.

Factor 3: Select Among B2B Or B2C?

Although, the same brand can work for both the B2B market and the B2C market the same social media channel may not give you exposure to both the markets.

In a study, it was shown that 87% of social media revenue from the B2B market comes from the following social media channels:

LinkedIn: 64%

Facebook: 17%

Twitter: 14%

However, on the other side, social media revenue from the B2C market comes from:

Facebook: 94%

Twitter: 84%

YouTube: 76%

Also, if you plan to do influence marketing for your brand, then you must create account on Instagram and Pinterest which are one of the appropriate picks for influence marketing .

B2B market

Factor 4: Budget

There’s a famous saying in the business world, one has to spend money to make money. There is nothing that comes free. Even if you are not spending on social media marketing. Tasks involved in social media optimisation will incur some expenses for you.

For that matter, you must have a budget that helps cater to all your social media marketing jobs. Moreover, each platform offers sponsored ads features. Some could be less expensive and others may charge more. 

Of course, you can not bargain on these apps. Thus, you will have to see which channel will fit into your budget and accordingly make a decision.

In The End

If you are new to digital marketing and social media. Confusions such as the best social media channel for the brand are natural. Reading this blog will help you understand the basic factors which you should take into consideration when planning to create a profile on a social media platform. Also, it is fine if you choose multiple platforms but make sure to check which platform is contributing more to your goals. So that you make future social media strategies in accordance.

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